For Students
​Do you know....?
The warning signs that you're in an unhealthy relationship?
What dating violence is?
How STDs are contracted?
What hormone is released in our bodies that allows us to bond with someone?
What a healthy relationship looks like?
That it is never too late to have a fresh start?
The things that can happen when you become sexually active--not just the physical consequences, but the emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual, and financial consequences, as well?
That YOU are worth waiting for?
10 Keys to Successful Dating:
1. Maintain Independence 7. Research Cohabitation data
2. Use your brain 8. Engage in healthy response to conflict
3. Seek Similarities 9. Notice danger signs and red flags
4. Take it Slow 10. Choose your dating and marriage
5. Set clear boundaries partner wisely
6. Consider, and evaluate when sex is best
The Bridge SRA Program is designed to help you answer these questions and many more in an interactive setting.
You deserve truth.
You deserve to be informed.
You are valued, loved, and deserve to be treated with respect.
You have the power to make healthy choices...
YOU are amazing.
Frequently asked Questions from the schools!
Question: What about same sex relationships?
Answer: Everything we talk about in REAL Essentials pertains to all types of relationships. You can also use the tools we teach and apply them to every relationship you are in. Lastly, you can still get a lot of the same consequences as well as you could in a traditional male/female relationship.
Question: What if you have already had sex before you saw the presentation?
Answer: We all make mistakes and that is ok. It is what you do from here on out that makes a difference and defines who you are. You can decide from now on to be abstinent! Remember the etch-a-sketch? You can shake it up and have a clean slate.
Question: Does social media lead to a higher risk of sex trafficking?
Answer: Yes absolutely it does! There is new technology where a potential sex trafficker can find out what room you are in in your house. The best thing you can do to protect yourself is do not talk to anyone on social media that you don't know personally. Don't accept friend requests from people you don't know either, and make sure your privacy settings are set up as well.
Question: If you have a friendship and they are toxic what do you do to fix/get out of it?
Answer: The best thing to do in this situation is to be direct and clear with the person who is toxic. Make sure they know how they are making you feel. Set up clear boundaries, stick to the facts, list things that are unacceptable and deal breakers. If you are struggling to find words, talk to your parents and get their advice. Make sure you don't go alone, take a trusted friend and meet in a public place.
Remember, you do not need to justify, defend, or explain. Speak from your heart. Also remaining kind and calm is important.
Question: How would you talk to a friend about their unhealthy relationship?
Answer: Definitely remain calm and collected, make sure you tell them you love them and are concerned for them. Stick to facts and remain calm, be factual and honest. They may not like what you have to say so make sure you know exactly what you are going to say and stick to it.
WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING about the bridge SRA program...
The following are all direct quotes from students who completed a program evaluation form after seeing The Bridge program in Hood County.
I thought abstinence was absolutely no sex, but now that I see the real meaning, it changed the way I look at it. Thank you. - 8th grade MALE
It was very informative and people were very friendly and didn’t make you feel uncomfortable. - 8th grade FEMALE
I am very thankful for you. I think this get together helped me decide to not make a decision I wanted to make. During this I literally texted the guy I liked & told him I am waiting. Just want y’all to know that are appreciated dearly and y’all do make an impact on many girls lives including mine. -High School FEMALE
Personally it’s helped me a lot, because I’ve struggles with some things and been through stuff; and it makes me feel better that I can start over. - High School MALE
I thought it was very informative and gave me a renewed courage to stand up for myself. -High School FEMALE
It was a more understandable version of what my Dad tells me - 7th grade MALE
The presentation was easy to understand. I loved it! Thank you helped a lot! - 7th grade FEMALE
I liked it because it helped me really understand why I need to wait. - 8th grade FEMALE
The program revealed the truth behind the worlds most popular activity in an appropriate and easily understood. - High School MALE
This program really helped me thank you- High School MALE
Thank you for volunteering, you have truly widened my mindset, we need more volunteers like you! - 8th grade FEMALE
It helps younger kids to know to wait, and not mess up your life with bad habits. - 8th grade FEMALE
Seems like EVERYONE is dating in High School, Right?!
Whether you choose to be in a dating relationship or not- there are some important things you need to think about. It's never too soon to decide what you want in a relationship and pursue it from the very beginning!
Don't Be Closed Minded
Some people today think that "abstinence" is outdated and they do not consider it as an option. The word abstinence is not a bad thing, it does not mean never having sex. It is simply a way for you to use self-control for a temporary period (hopefully until you are in a lifelong committed relationship) and value yourself. At least give abstinence a chance to be an option for you especially when it is the ONLY 100% way to prevent pregnancy and STD's.
Set Some Physical Boundaries
Do you love sports? Consider how any sports game would go if there were no rules... What if there were no boundary lines or no specific way to get a goal or no fouls? The game would be no fun because it would be CHAOS! Which means boundaries in a sport equals a GREAT game! This same thought applies to relationships. Boundaries in a relationship doesn't equal equals FREEDOM to have a wonderful relationship without the stress of consequences. So choose FREEDOM! Boundaries are no good if we don’t ever set them, decide what your boundary will be in a relationship. It is VERY important for this to be a decision you make alone, not because of anyone else. If you do not set a boundary, you are likely to go too far and have regrets. Someone you SHOULD date will RESPECT and SHARE your boundaries and not pressure you into changing them.
Know Your Legal Risks
Texas Sexual Assault is defined as anyone who has sex with someone under the age of 14 or anyone who has sex with someone who is more than 3 years younger than themselves. Did you know that if someone takes nude pictures of themselves or others who are under the age of 18 and sends them out, that person could be charged with child pornography? This is often referred to as "sexting".
Don’t Put Yourself Into Tempting Situations
Don’t "hang out" or "study" in a bedroom.
Don’t go on long drives late at night.
Don’t have late night conversations especially those that include the topic of sex! Remember that text messages are NOT private and can be recovered. (Yes, even SnapChat)
Beware Of Drugs And Alcohol
Drugs and alcohol impair your judgment and that can put you more at risk for sexual assault. Teens who drink are TWICE as likely to have sex than those that don’t!
Be aware of Abusive Relationships
Many teenagers get involved in abusive relationships, learn the red flags and warning signs of an abusive relationship in The Bridge SRA program.
Remember, abuse is NOT just physical but also emotional, verbal and sexual.
Listen to those you love! If most of the people in your life are concerned about your relationship, then they probably aren't all wrong...
It Is NEVER Too Late
You can always start over and make healthier choices now! Even if you have been sexually active, you can make a commitment now to eliminate your risk of contracting a STD or getting pregnant.